The Preacher’s Wife on 50 Shades…
Ok, okay… you think you know what I am going to say! So, I almost didn’t say “it”!
Funny thing is, no one has really asked me “my opinion” of Shades of Gray or Magic Mike, because they assume what I will say.
Is that a good thing?
Well, it is not if you think because I am the preacher’s wife and you see me as a rule keeper… that I just make these decisions as “no brainers” and also if you don’t realize that I am a very real person…a woman who has to make choices just like you!
Bottom line is, most of you have already gone to see “Magic Mike” if you were going to see it at the movie theatre. BUT really many of us will not go to the movie theatre. We will wait for it to come out on video, because we really don’t want anyone seeing us march in to the movie theatre with a bunch of our friends to see Magic Mike. Wait, is that cowardly to do that?
And then there is the book series “Shades of Gray”…….we can just down load it on our Kindle or IPad and no one will ever know we read it! Again……is that just being a coward??
So what will I do????????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm………let me see…….
I think I will look deep inside my soul and realize that my life is not perfect……nope…no perfect kids in my life and certainly my man is not perfect. Yes, contrary to what most of you think (and I do know there are some out there who tell him and me on a regular basis that he is NOT PERFECT…GUESS WHAT I ALREADY KNEW THAT!) I will know that every ounce of me would at times like to escape and be entertained by a book or a movie that would make me want what I don’t have! Entertainment: “a diversion that holds one’s attention”! Yep………..that is what I want …….a DIVERSION.
A diversion from hearing women sob as they tell me their husband has just had sex with another woman.
A diversion from hearing a mom tell me how her son just screamed at her, slammed the door and walked out.
A diversion from seeing my husband ache after hearing one more story of “why a marriage won’t work”!
A diversion from knowing that a fourteen year old just had sex!
A diversion from remembering the faces of women in Central Asia who literally have their faces eaten away due to leprosy.
A diversion from hearing “griping, whining, complaining people”
Whoops………..did that sound like I was griping and whining??
Yep…………I could stand a diversion to hold my attention for just a little bit. Something fun and funny.
Something that will make me feel good! Something to bring me some peace and joy and most of all HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope that one day I won’t ever feel the need for a diversion again………..because I will sit in the PRESENCE OF THE ONE who is perfect, who totally gets me, who totally accepts me……and HE NEVER, EVER GRIPES OR COMPLAINS……….He just loves me and accepts me!
No, I won’t go see Magic Mike or read Shades of Gray……….because it will just make me want what is really not REAL!!! And if you know anything about me at all…….you know I keep it R.E.A.L. And if you don’t get that last sentence………well, you just haven’t been around me much…….and you just assumed I wouldn’t go see “that” movie or read “those” books……..because of who I am married to…………not because of WHOM I truly do want to be “entertained” by! Again entertainment: a diversion that holds someone’s attention! Entertainment is not a bad, evil thing!
If I need some diversion………plenty of movies, tv shows, books, and most of all creation…….that will point me in His direction that is very REAL……..and not into some fantasy world that really doesn’t bring anything but pain and heartache.
Just something to think about……..from an imperfect woman who is married to an imperfect man who struggles to serve an imperfect church made of imperfect people who THANKFULLY………..have a