Archive - 2014

Real Life on Rocky Top
A Life Preserver on a Winter Day

Real Life on Rocky Top

Fall is upon me. This will be the first fall of living here on Rocky Top….yep……..this Texas girl, once Georgian, then Louisianan…is now a Tennessean… that even a word??? And what road do we end up living on but Rocky Top… and unlike the lyrics to the famous song… there is a telephone bill, and the internet bill well let’s just say it ain’t cheap up here on old Rocky Top.

With this fall, not only are the leaves beginning to change and drop their brilliant colors onto my porch and yard but also the What if’s seemed to be crowding my mind and robbing me of “Life”.

The “What Ifs” range from the simple, almost bordering stupid to the harsh, scary reality that we live in right now.

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A Life Preserver on a Winter Day

It is early in the morning and I’m cold…….cold on the inside and outside. The ice and snow are starting to fade but for some reason my bones are chilled and warmth is eluding me.

I looked out my window toward the mountains and lake and God seemed to place such an obvious sign of his love right in front of me……….it was a bright green round life preserver……..just floating on the water in our cove.

I called the pastor/husband to the window…….What do you see I asked him. “a green life preserver” he says.

I tried to take a picture but it didn’t come out well. But the picture is in my mind and it won’t leave my brain.

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