Tag - advice

The Preacher’s Wife on 50 Shades…

The Preacher’s Wife on 50 Shades…

Ok, okay… you think you know what I am going to say! So, I almost didn’t say “it”!

Funny thing is, no one has really asked me “my opinion” of Shades of Gray or Magic Mike, because they assume what I will say.

Is that a good thing?

Well, it is not if you think because I am the preacher’s wife and you see me as a rule keeper… that I just make these decisions as “no brainers” and also if you don’t realize that I am a very real person…a woman who has to make choices just like you!

Bottom line is, most of you have already gone to see “Magic Mike” if you were going to see it at the movie theatre. BUT really many of us will not go to the movie theatre. We will wait for it to come out on video, because we really don’t want anyone seeing us march in to the movie theatre with a bunch of our friends to see Magic Mike. Wait, is that cowardly to do that?

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